Saturday, March 27, 2010

mi amore.

rest in peace mi amore. you were the best little birdie and pet anyone could of ever asked for. my room and summer time won't be the same without you.

6.2006 - 03.27.2010

Sunday, March 21, 2010


i need to constantly remind myself that my mood or aspect of my day should not revolve around other people and how they feel, or think of something. why i constantly let people determine my mood is completely ridiculous, it just isn't fair.

74 degrees.

today is going to be another beautiful day. lazy sundays are the best, add in the sunshine and the warmth just makes it even better. i will definitely be spending my day outside reading and enjoying this wonderful day. i also love waking up and having harry potter already on, i wish there was a channel that just played hp all day, every day. i would never turn it off. happy 2nd day of spring :)

Thursday, March 18, 2010


we drove by each other today, i started to cry.. what is wrong with me? i mean obviously we would drive by each other, we live in the same town. i am completely hopeless.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010


these are a few new things that i have purchased in the last couple of days that are my new loves.

american eagle.

i also got sunglasses from target that are aviator styled, and i do not want to take them off, ever.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

the 16th of march.

today would be the definition of a good day. the weather was beautiful (sunny and 60). so after 5 days of straight rain, i am pretty sure that is what pushed the day in the right direction. i was just in those wonderful moods. work was good. i got complimented today, so that was nice, and well it was awesome, it definitely makes your day when you help some one, and then they leave, but then come back and go you are such a beautiful young lady (he was like parent old) but it was still nice. i saw red bull vendor today (obviously he is the one that packs out the red bull, and he is gorgeous, so i quietly stalk him whenever i see him). i also met a new vendor today, that is adorable.

after work i went to 309 to hang out with tim and tom. those boys are completely ridiculous, but in a good way. then i came home and went shopping with my little sister, and it was nice and fun.
i loved today!

ps. today is day number two that i bought beer and did not get carded, it was awesome.


today i have come to the realization that i want a southern man.

Sunday, March 14, 2010


this weekend was a very rainy weekend, actually it has been raining since thursday night, yesterday the streets started to flood. but it has calmed down and hopefully will stop by tomorrow. i like rainy days, because it gives you a nice excuse that is valid threw everything for just sitting at home doing nothing but watching tv. but when you have things to do, it just seems to get in the way of everything. and i had things to do this weekend, so getting in the way was all it was doing, even though all i truly wanted was to spend a whole day in bed watching movies.
i am sad it is sunday night, especially since i have to start tomorrow so early. mondays really are a drag. but i guess if it wasn't for mondays, then i would just be hating on tuesdays.
my little sister makes confirmation tomorrow, and yes i am proud and what not of her, but i really do not want to go to the ceremony of it all. i just don't want to be spending my monday night in a church. i have my views on religion, and i believe what i believe, but for me sitting in church and listening to a man talk about something i may or may not truly honestly get/understand/believe in is just not my cup of tea. i would rather go home and pray on my own time to what i get/understand/believe in.

but okay getting away from that subject, friday i went and played laser tag. 1. it was fun. 2. there are these people that are laser nerds. . haha it was hilarious, they were so serious about something so silly. i mean they were calling out codes and shit, my best friend and i were dying of laughter. it is hilarious to me on how some people choose to spend their time. but other that i had a wonderful time with my friends, i love spending time with them, they are all great people.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

oh sweet boredom,

we meet yet again. today i realized that i am bored. i am bored with, the boys in my life, my hair, my nail polish color, every song that came on my ipod, the conversations i was having with people, what was on the tv, the food i had to eat. blah. i just need a change of something. i did change my nail polish color, but something else needs to change besides that. i am for one giving up on even thinking about dating rob, just some of the things that comes out of this boys mouth is like what the actual fuck. and he is just way to nice to me. i need someone to be able to get in my face when he is mad, tell me that i am wrong, tell me i am being a bitch, i need a man with some balls. not someone that use "i am sorry" more then anything else, even when it isn't necessary. i have been talking to tom a lot more lately, and he is exactly one of those boys, that is a douche type, the one that doesn't give a shit, get in your face and yell at you, call you a bitch. but he is also really sweet and he jokes around so much just to get a smile out of me. so i am very pleased with this.

pennsylvania finally got the memo of spring time, and this week has been nothing but amazing. yesterday reached 62 degrees and it almost made me put the top of my car down (to bad the inside of my car was a disaster, and i didn't feel like cleaning it). but i tell you, nothing is more peaceful, fun, and just such a great feeling when driving with your windows down all the way and the music blasting extremely loud.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

nicholas sparks

i have decided that i am going to read all of his books. i have quite a bit to go, but i am off to a good start.

  • the last song
  • the lucky one : currently reading
  • dear john
  • the choice
  • at first sight
  • true believer
  • three weeks with my brother
  • the guardian
  • the wedding
  • nights in rodanthe
  • a bend in the road
  • the rescue
  • a walk to remember.. this is by far one of my favorite movies i can't believe i haven't read it yet
  • message in a bottle
  • the notebook
  • wokini

Monday, March 8, 2010

spring time.

today definitely felt like spring time. which made my whole day peaceful. i had no work during the day so i spent it shopping. so that made my day even more wonderful. work at the library tonight was good, i hung kites. so yeah.

during my day i drove past the cemetery where one of my friends is buried, so i stopped in and went and saw his grave. this month is going to put in such a funk, just like ever year. this month on the 28th will make it 5 years that i lost one of my really good friends, he would have been 26 in april. he was truly one of the best people i have known. he always knew how to make anyone laugh and smile. i miss him.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010


yeah this again. okay so i am talking to rob, and he asked how long was my longest relationship i answered with a year and half. then i asked him what was his, he told me 5 years. my mouth fucking dropped. okay so when you see old couples and they go we have been together for 50+ years that is adorable, but i don't know, 5 years is a fucking long time to be with one person, fuck wouldn't you get bored. shit i am getting bored of just thinking about being with someone for 5 years. yes another reason of why i am crazy.

Monday, March 1, 2010


it is in my shoulder, my back, my knee, the side of my stomach, my head. constant, something is always constantly hurting. i would just like to have one day that i am not in pain. it is starting to get hard to hide it, in the past week i have had so many, "are you okay" questions and strange looks, because out of nowhere i will get instant sharp pains. i really would love to feel like a 22 year old and not a 82 year old.